Sunday, September 16, 2007

First Sea Trout Trip a Bust

After about 20 years I have finally targeted sea trout again. We sailed out of Sun Harbor Bay Club with it's owner Joe and his son Joey. After setting up Southwest of the 42 marker we fish right away, but they were all kings. We did also boat a cocktail blue and had a few hits and bite offs probably also blues.

After giving that a shot for a while we moved and setup off Gulf Point. We had similar results with a few kings and two dogfish. We also put out some live peanut bunker. We had several run offs and hits on them but failed to hookup. Some of the run offs had the bunker bitten in half but some did not so we think there was a mixed bag of blues and some weaks there but they both eluded us.

All in all it was a nice day on the water after the sun came out and warmed things up a little. I did hear reports of fish further to the North in the area of the BB so we will probably try up there first next week and then work our way south.

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