Sunday, January 21, 2007

More PM

Well I guess if you can't be on the water then the next best thing is being on the boat! I finished removing all items from the boat. It is amazing how much stuff you end up with, it is equally amazing that the boat still floats with all this stuff. Anyway I began the cleansing of the interior as well as electronics musical chairs. I removed the bracket and wiring for the old fish finder to make way for the new Uniden VHF. I installed the wireless second station charging cradle on the v-berth bulkhead and could not complete the wiring because they do not include an in-line fuse. Can you believe that, you spend over a hundred bucks for a second mic and they can't even give you a 2 dollar fuse holder. It is just as well since I really should install an new buss bar with power that is always on regardless of batter selector switch position. This mic needs to recharge and there is also a need for accessory power for other devices to keep memory so I will add that to the distribution panel next time. I also decided to try replacing the gimbel pins on two of the rod holders with stainless hardware in lieu of replacing the whole rod holder. Only time will tell if this will hold up to wire line trolling which is what busted out the pins in the first place. Hopefully they will hold up that way I can order a new Avet reel instead of two rod holders. I also vacuumed the whole interior, something that was long over due. Once all the other wiring and work is done inside I will wash down all interior surfaces and oil the teak. Hopefully between working on the house and 47 days left before launch I can get all the planned projects done this time.

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