Sunday, April 06, 2008

Lay Day Due to Wind

Boy did I goof when looking at the weather. I committed to helping my mother do some packing for her move later this month on Saturday leaving me Sunday to go fishing or work on the boat. With the hard NE blow on Sunday there was 1 foot of chop with white caps coming west up the creek.

I heard a few guys on the radio claiming they had fish but you know how fisherman on the radio are...more likely than not they had no fish.

In between showers I compounded the aft pilothouse bulkhead and cockpit. I also tried the compound on the interior glass and it removed the three years of sneaker marks pretty well. Much better than anything else has. The difficult part with the interior is it is not gel coated nor smooth. It is splattered with resin and then painted flat white. A surface that I will never own again.

While I was disappointed to not fish, you can not get skunked if you don't wet a line!

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