I decided to get some much needed work done to the boat. With it being brand new I have been very leary about drilling holes through the transom and the pilothouse roof. But I finally drilled all but one of the holes for the four antennas that I have (VHF, AM/FM/Weather Band, GPS and XM Satellite Radio). It was not nearly as bad as I though except for the five or so trips to the hardware store obtaining the proper length bolts. The thickness of the fiberglass seemed to vary a bit depending where on the roof you were. So instead of only needing two types of bolts in one length I needed two types in four different lengths. It is a good thing the hardware store is only a few blocks away and open till 5 PM on Sunday. Now all that is left is to move the VHF antenna from the rail mount to the fixed mount and mount the AM/FM/Weather Band antenna to the fixed mount.
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