Well we still have small craft advisories and gale warnings now for over a week. I went out for a boat ride on the Norther part of Barnegat Bay...I was the only boat on the water Sunday afternoon! There was a steady one to two foot chop with an occasional larger swell/chop coming through. The entire bay was covered in white caps. Some of the houses on the east side of the bay had small waves breaking onto their properties and over their docks and bulkheads.
As far as trouble or difficulty from last weeks wind and rain there were no casualties in my marina. I had a couple of scratches to the gel coat that will buff out when I wax the boat at the end of the season. I heard horror stories from other marinas of sunken boats, holes punched in hulls, broken windows, water damage, broken antennas, etc. I guess we are a little more protected in Beaver Dam Creek with the bridge as a neighbor and the creek not being that wide. I hope everyone reading this made out unscathed from the wind and rain and will return to fishing this week instead of jockeying lines and bailing water.
I did get some work done on the boat for a second straight week. I installed all of my antennas to their new top-mounts and installed the rocket launcher. Finally I won't have to worry about getting a rod caught on a piling on the way in and out of the slip!
As far as trouble or difficulty from last weeks wind and rain there were no casualties in my marina. I had a couple of scratches to the gel coat that will buff out when I wax the boat at the end of the season. I heard horror stories from other marinas of sunken boats, holes punched in hulls, broken windows, water damage, broken antennas, etc. I guess we are a little more protected in Beaver Dam Creek with the bridge as a neighbor and the creek not being that wide. I hope everyone reading this made out unscathed from the wind and rain and will return to fishing this week instead of jockeying lines and bailing water.
I did get some work done on the boat for a second straight week. I installed all of my antennas to their new top-mounts and installed the rocket launcher. Finally I won't have to worry about getting a rod caught on a piling on the way in and out of the slip!

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