Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Fluke Crisis

A recent article in the APP brings to light the severe cutbacks we may face in 2009 through 2013. While summer flounder stocks are up in almost every recreational fisherman's mind NMFS says they are not. The 2007 season was one of our best in probably 10 years, with us boating over 500 keepers with about 85 to 90 percent of those over 19 inches. The recommendation was first made for 15.77 million pounds, down from 17.1 million pounds. This will most likely be cut back due to overages in the TAL for both recreational and commercial fisherman.

What NMFS fails to realize that while concentrating their management efforts on one species other species receive a lot more pressure from both recreational and commercial fisherman. This could lead to declining stocks in other species very quickly.

APP: Fishing czar sends a shot across the bow

APP: Commission urged to rethink summer flounder plan

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